Saturday, February 17, 2018

On Call

Tenwek Rainbow

Taking “OB Call” at 76 is probably a little crazy - but here I am.  The reality is that there is and will be limited senior staff here at Tenwek Hospital - so here I am.  In a bizarre way it is an exciting place to be serving with young residents, interns and medical students.  The service contains some obstetrics and gynecologic challenges - a new diagnosis of rheumatic heart disease in pregnancy, intraperitoneal TB, malaria in early pregnancy, placenta accreta, severe thromobphelbitis, et cetera.

For the expatriates like me, these are rare opportunities to learn about and provide care for these women and their babies.   It is for many of the learners a life changing experience.  

It is also a time to be with young Kenyan interns.  It is more difficult to assess your presence with the Kenyans who have seen so many different consultants come and go.  It takes some time to “learn together”.  

More later as the opportunity to be “on call” continues.



Hage ML (2018) Healing Together

1 comment:

  1. Just so you know, someone is reading the blog, Marvin! Thanks for the updates.
